Letterkenny Quotes to have a good laugh.

Today, we give you funny Letterkenny quotes and slang to make you laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine. We often hear this phrase from our friends and in movies. But, does laughter trigger healthy emotions and physical changes in our body? How does it help?

Aside from a known mood booster, laughter relaxes the whole body and boosts the immune system. It greatly helps your body with disease resistance and protects you from cardiovascular problems. To help you laugh, we’re bringing you the funny Letterkenny quotes.

Not to mention, laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day helps you burn calories. Although it’s not comparable to working out, having good humor and a good laugh will help you live longer.

A study conducted in Norway among battling cancer people suggests that those who have a strong sense of humor and laughs often outlive those who don’t.

You’re probably here looking for answers. Will a good laugh help me get through life? Yes, you do. But, where can you find a good laugh?

Look around you. You can find good laughs from people around you, films, skits, or series that you can find on the Internet.

Let me suggest a good sitcom for you– Letterkenny and it’s funny quotes. 

Hear Me Out First . What is Letterkenny?

Letterkenny is a top hit comedy and one of the popular sitcoms.

A quick-witted, snappy comedy sitcom about a small rural community in Ontario, Canada. The sitcom started as a YouTube web series and became a television series in March 2015.  Since then, people made it a resource for their excellent laugh because of its hilariously odd, eccentric, and relentlessly creative skits.

Letterkenny became one of the tip hits for comedy and one of the popular sitcoms at the time. It’s a show about nothing but centers on a tight-knit, fast-talking bunch of people. Watching the Letterkenny show will make you stare into the wall for a few episodes until you can get a hold of its dialogue. 

If you want to have a good laugh with Letterkenny’s edgy humor, be geared with these Letterkenny quotes.

Letterkenny isn’t all jokes and insults, you will get some ideas on how bromance, romance, and family ties are handled in a goofy way. You do not have to take all these Letterkenny quotes seriously because they are from a comedy sitcom– these puns are intended to make you laugh.

13 Best Letterkenny slang

Before we get into the random Letterkenny quotes, you will encounter some slang words or phrases in the series, for context, let’s start with them.

1. “Pitter patter, let’s get at’er.” – Wayne

“Pitter patter, let’s get at’er.” – Letterkenny Slangs

It’s the character’s way to express his impatience. The context of the phrase means to hurry up on whatever you are doing.

2. “Donny Brook.”

Letterkenny Slangs for a fight

It’s slang for a fight. “You better get ready for a Donny Brook.”

3. “Great day for hay!”

Letterkenny Slang for a nice weather.

The Letterkenny phrase means nice, sunny weather. “It’s a great day for hay today! Let’s put on sunscreen.”

4. “Pump the brakes!”

Letterkenny slang for slowing down.

It simply means slow down. “Excuse me, can you pump the brakes for a second?”

5. “Scoots.”

Letterkenny slang when about upset stomach.

Scoots hilariously mean diarrhea. You can’t tell it’s talking about stomach problems. “Your sister’s lasagna gave me scoots.”

6. “Texas-sized 10-4.”

Letterkenny slang about level of agreement.

It’s a Letterkenny slang that emphasizes how much you agree with what they’re saying or doing. “10-4” translates to “roger that!” Saying “Texas-sized 10-4” is similar to telling someone you are on the same page.

7. “Schmelt.”

Letterkenny slang for performing less.

Schmelt is hockey slang for a rookie teammate. Players often use this slang in an insulting manner towards the new member that performs the poorest or has the least amount of friends. “Nah, don’t be a Schmelt, bro.”

8. “Pertnear.” 

Letterkenny slang for near.

“Pertnear” is a slang that hasn’t caught the viewer’s attention. However, we want to mention this slang in the list of Letterkenny quotes for contextual preference. Pertnear is a shortcut for “pretty near.” 

Welp, this list of Letterkenny quotes is nowhere pertnear. We’re still in the first quarter!

9. Ferda

Letterkenny slang that involves activities like sports.

It’s difficult for native American audiences to pinpoint the exact meaning of the slang ferda. But the characters use slang in conversations that involve gym workouts and upcoming championships. 

10. Degens

Lettterkenny slang for not socially acceptable

You might think the upcoming Letterkenny quotes are a bit degens. It’s unapologetic slang for a person whose behavior is not socially acceptable or not morally right.

11. “10-Ply

Letterkenny slang for those who have a soft spot.

The slang is somewhat related to the “schmelt.” You will earn the “10-ply” title if you have a soft character. Most hockey players use this insult for those who have a soft spot. Players who are as gentle as toilet paper or facial tissues are called a 10-ply. What’s more, is they use the term for emotional vulnerability.

  1. Snipe
Letterkenny slang for having a date.

Another Letterkenny slang that will shock you. It’s often used by hockey players to describe an attractive person. Although some insist it’s slang for a particularly difficult goal to score, in Letterkenny, Reilly uses it to describe his Tinder date.

  1. Chirpin’”
“Chirpin” Letterkenny slang

It’s another word for trash talk. The slang is commonly used by hockey players and demonstrated by the casts of Letterkenny.

Did the Letterkenny slang blow your mind? Well, take a hold of the incoming Letterkenny quotes! You will be overwhelmed.

Have a Good Laugh with Letterkenny Quotes

Funny Letterkenny Quotes

The following Letterkenny quotes are pretty much relatable and quotable. Just make sure you are using it properly to avoid being misunderstood. Remember, you are using comical vocabulary!

  1. “You naturally care for a companionship, but I guess there’s a lot worse than playing a little one-man couch hockey in the dark.” – Wayne
  2. “Every woman knows that the way to a man’s heart is not through his zipper, it’s through his stomach.” – Wayne 
  3. “I am willing to give 69% of my company to a partner; why 69%? Both sides benefit! Good enough!” – Gail
  4. “What a series of unfortunate events you have been through.” – Jonesy
  5. “You’re made of spare parts, aren’t you, bud?” – Wayne
  6. “Look, if you are coming, you better come correct.” – Gail
  7. “I need to give you one more chance to retract, no questions asked. Before this conversation becomes a confrontation.” – Gail
  8. “When you are bringing complaints to someone, they’ll be more receptive to alter into their behavior if you make it your problem, rather than placing the blame on them.” – Wayne
Funny Letterkenny Quotes from Wayne of Letterkenny

These lines are iconic! Although it appears to be serious in the list of Letterkenny quotes, in the segment, it will actually give you a good laugh!

Just a key takeaway, you can use these lines for inspiration when dealing with serious conversations with people but want to make a punchline to create a fun atmosphere.

Other Best Letterkenny quotes

  1. “Seeing as this is most certainly a one-off event and not a tradition that also falls on some made-up holiday that I couldn’t give a cats queef about, I’m out. There’s happiness calling my name from the bottom of a bottle of Puppers.” – Wayne
  1. “I see the muscle shirt came today. Muscles coming tomorrow? Did ya get a tracking number? Oh, I hope he got a tracking number. That package is going to be smaller than the one you’re sporting now.” – Daryl
  1. “You’re pretty good at wrestling there, Katy, and that’s what I appreciate about you.” – Squirrelly Dan
  1. “Well, I’d say give your balls a tug, but it looks like your pants are doing it for you.” – Wayne
  2. “Your life is so pathetic I get a charity tax break just by hanging around you!” – Shoresy
Funny Letterkenny Quotes from Daryl of Letterkenny

When the push comes to shove. Sometimes we want to compliment our friends and family members. But sometimes our encouragement makes it sound like we’re shoving it to them. If you are not comfortable being all cheesy when giving some compliments and appreciation to your friends or family, why not use these Letterkenny quotes? 

Remember to use it properly! It might turn into a Donny Brook with your little siblings. LMAO.

Here are some Letterkenny Wayne quotes and his friends’ quotes.

  1. “You love that movie The Fox and the Hound so much you can’t bring yourself to kill the fox that’s been getting into the chicken coop. You don’t care if that makes you softer than a Disney matinee.” – Squirrely Dan
  2. “Oh I’m stomping the brakes, put that idea right through the fucking windshield.” – Katy
  3. “What’s up with your body hair, your big shoots? You look like a 12-year-old Dutch girl.” – Wayne
  4. “It’s always ok to fart when you’re alone. Accept when you’re in elevators. That’s uncouth.” – Wayne
  5. “You woke up with your horn looking out the window but ya gotta be at work in 20 so it’s now or never. I should say.” – Wayne
Funny Letterkenny Quotes from Wayne

We love to exchange ideas with our friends and family. If you want to give a nasty remark with their ideas, use these Letterkenny quotes. But, these quotes are a much harsher punch.

  1. “I see the muscle shirt came today. Muscles coming tomorrow?” – Daryl
  2. “Betty-Ann, your breath’s so bad it gave me an existential crisis — it made me question my whole life.” — Shoresy
  3. “Let’s go easy over there, Squirrelly Dan.” — Wayne
  1. “It’s like algebra… why you gotta put numbers and letters together?”  – Wayne
  2. “Four-leaf clover, make a wish.” – Wayne
  3. “The stupidest thing I ever heard in my life is that a baby is smart.” – Wayne
  4. “Your sister’s hot, Wayne! There I said it! I said it! I regret nothing! I regret nothing!” — Squirrelly Dan
  5. “Well, there’s nothing better than a fart.” – Wayne
  6. “I won’t go down in history but I’ll go down on you.” – Gail
  7. “Hey, girl. Are you Barta Beef? Cause I’d flip you once every minute.”
  8. “Well, she’s a pretty girl. It’s just…uhhh you could let the paint dry a wee bit there, eh?” – Wayne
Funny Letterkenny quotes from Squirrelly Dan

Some random harsh punches you can throw at your friend, sibling, or loved ones. I hope they will take these Letterkenny quotes lightly– or they might say you are chirpin’.sky 

  1. “Eyes on your own work there, Super Chief!”
  2. “I wish all were not so strange in the world.”
  3. “Mike, you best sort yourself out.”
  4. “Oh, c’mon, where’s your jam, bud?” — Reilly
  5. “We need backup, boys.” — Jonesy
  6. “As long as everyone’s having a good time. There’s no need to be poopy pants.”

We all want to date someone and make an impression on the first date. If your friends or a family member are looking for advice for their first dates, you may use these Letterkenny quotes. 

Remember the first time you ask someone for a date? You’re pretty much nervous that time, aren’t you? Tell these phrases, it might help them calm down and have a good laugh!

  1. “There’s more to life than a little Hulu and you-screw, big brother.” – Katy
  2. “That was well brought up. Too bad you weren’t.” – Katy
  3. “I want to give back to the community by helping people find love.” – Wayne
  4. “The world needs less Facebook and more face-to-face.” – Wayne

Not funny, though, but it’s pretty relatable, isn’t it? We’re locked up in our homes for a year now. We adore Facebook and brag about its accessible communication features before, but now we want to ditch it and see everyone face-to-face. Keep safe, everyone– and don’t forget to have a good laugh with Letterkenny.

Sprinkle yourself with these funny quotes and insults. 

Had a good laugh reading the Letterkenny quotes?

If you haven’t watched the Letterkenny show yet, now is the perfect time to binge-watch it. Let these Letterkenny quotes be the turning point to watch the show and become inspired with life. No matter how hard life gets, you always need a good laugh.


Robinson, L. (n.d.). Laughter is the best medicine. Retrieved April 05, 2021, from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/laughter-is-the-best-medicine

Louden, G. (n.d.). 35 surreal LETTERKENNY quotes about life, love, and farming. Retrieved April 05, 2021, from https://vlaurie.com/letterkenny-quotes/

Finn, A. (2021, February 24). 139 Letterkenny quotes from all seasons. Retrieved April 05, 2021, from https://www.quoteambition.com/letterkenny-quotes/

Bhatt, A. (2021, January 24). 80 Best Letterkenny Quotes. Sharing quo. Retrieved April 05, 2021, from https://www.therandomvibez.com/letterkenny-quotes-sayings/


Arvey is a DMMA Graduate and functions as managing editor to several brands and contents of Castnoble.