Before you can earn the right to lead others, you need to “manage” yourself, says Trevor Zheng, the Founder of Archic Furniture. What does it mean to lead? You need to have every qualification of a leader. In leadership, you have to be an inspiration. Why? Because no one would follow you if you were a train wreck emotionally, mentally, and physically. 

Self-management is our ability to manage our workload and productivity in our workplace without heavily relying on our supervisors. Developing this can open more career opportunities for you. 

Summary: Managing ourselves is easier said than done. It requires focus, dedication, and commitment. You need to focus more on yourself first for you to become an effective leader.

In this article, we are going to discuss the 8 tips on how to manage yourself for you to lead.

1. Time Management

There is a famous saying, “Time is gold.” In this busy world   where we are always in hustle mode, time is a luxury. Time can be our friend or enemy depending on the situation. Especially if you are leading a team, there are a lot of tasks that are needed to be done. And so massive time management is needed. 

Benefits of time management:

  • More accomplishments. 

When you manage your time efficiently, you can accomplish more goals every day. A way for you to be more goal-oriented and get more tasks done. 

  • Less mistakes. 

When we rush things, there is a big possibility that we commit numerous mistakes. Correcting these mistakes may take much of your time. How about you take it slowly but surely?

  • Earn Respect. 

Some people are always prepared, using their time wisely. They are the people who are offered career opportunities and are most likely to earn respect from their colleagues.

  • More free time. 

If you have top-notch time management skills, you can accomplish the goals set for each day early and for that, you have that free time to do what you want to do.

  • Less problems.

Each of us knows at least one person has problems managing their time. Maybe, it could be us ourselves. Anyway, for example, you missed an important meeting because you lose track of time and because you have poor time management skills. Nevertheless, it is not the situation that has a problem but you. 

In time management, according to Arnie Skelton, the CEO of Effective Training and Development Ltd, “you don’t manage time, you manage what you do with it – which is all about priorities. 

This means that, if you set your goals and priorities ahead of time, you can have a clear objective of what is more important to save time and provide quality work results as well.  You just hit two birds with one stone!

2. Set Realistic Goals

We need to carefully set the course and take them seriously.  But the most important of all in setting goals is that we need to know how we can achieve them, what are the necessary steps to achieve that specific goal?

We all have goals set to direct not just our everyday life but our entire life as well. Setting a goal is not simple. There are no specific formulas when we set a goal. 

Importance of setting realistic goals:

  • It builds confidence and improves self-esteem. 

We can feel that sense of purpose when we set goals. That feeling that we have a reason to live. Seems cliché but it’s true! It is easier to achieve our goals if we know where we are heading and how we can get there.

When we achieve our goals, we become more confident in our capabilities. As a result, our self-esteem improves.

  • Realistic goals are quickly achieved. 

When we clearly define our objective, we know what steps to take to achieve the goal. Realistic goals are more tangible ways to achieve  them. 

Realistic goals are quicker to achieve so there is only at least a minor chance of getting tired of them, instead, we will be more fueled to do the best we can to get the results we want. 

  • Keeps you motivated.  

When we have a goal, it is natural for us to work harder. However, it is different when our goal is realistic enough to provide realistic outcomes. When this happens, we strive and work harder to get the result we desire from the goal we set. 

If you are leading a team or unit, create an action plan. Let your team know about your goal and carefully plan the steps to achieve the goal. You can see the contribution and the progress of the team. This is the way to keep everyone’s motivation high.

Goals are means to be achieved, and we need to prepare countermeasures on how to overcome obstacles along the way to achieving them. We need to know the reason why we are setting goals in the first place. 

The Founder of Parental Queries, Mark Joseph suggested, “Setting realistic goals, breaking them down into manageable tasks and having the plan to achieve each. Initially, I used to make too many plans and needed more time to achieve them, so setting realistic goals was necessary.” he says.

After setting the goals, you can start assigning tasks to your team so that they can also know what specific tasks they need to accomplish. This way, as a leader you can focus more on your tasks to eventually achieve one of the goals you set.

3. Self Awareness

Do you want to be happier, more influential, and an effective leader? If so, self-awareness is the most important thing you need to develop. This helps you be on point all the time to always be the version of yourself and the best team leader you can be. 

What is self-awareness? “It is being aware of your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. This will help you understand your motivations and biases, and make decisions that align with your values,” says George Wardman, Founder of Onestopdevshop & Onestop Booking.

Highly self-aware people can evaluate themselves objectively, they are also pro at managing their emotions and aligning their behavior with their visions and values. 

In other words, these kinds of people can objectively interpret their feelings, actions, and thoughts. This is very important when you are leading a team because you need to objectively judge and perceive everything.

4. Communicate Effectively

To become an effective leader, you need to communicate effectively. How? A leader must communicate the visions and directives. In regards to this, the CEO and Founder of Online Divorce, Andriy Bogdanov says, “This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.”

How to improve communication skills?

  • Always listen. 

People wanted the feeling of being heard and feel valued. How can you extend to the person talking that you are listening to? It is through asking clarification questions to avoid misunderstanding during the conversation.

  • Body language. 

Effective communication requires body language as well. But we should be careful in using body language because there might be some that think it’s okay but, for some people, it is very offensive. Nevertheless, if this happens make sure that you extend your apologies right away acknowledging that it is your fault.

  • Think before you speak. 

You need to make sure that you are delivering the message the way you want it to be understood. Instead, of blabbering words without sense, be direct to the point, short yet concise. Pay attention to what you say and how you say it!

  • Smile. 

This is given when you are conversing or communicating.  A smile is an expression you need to show to effectively communicate what you want to deliver along with your directives or commands. 

In regards to this, you should be slow to speak and quick to listen. Focus and give time to what the other person is saying. The Guaranteed Loan Founder and CEO, Jack Reynolds says, “ Every team member is essential, however small they might be. Sometimes, the best ideas spring from the unlikeliest of places.”

He also added, “Therefore, lend a patient ear to each team member and make them feel important. So the focus is on listening to your team members rather than hearing them out. When you listen, you grasp every word of what is being said. That helps you make conscious decisions and lead your team in the best way possible.”

Listening is so much different from just hearing. We should understand what the other person is trying to say. This way, you’ll understand each other and get on the things that need to work according to the concern. 

5. Be Decisive

How to become a decisive person? Decisive people always consider multiple options,  understand all of the possible outcomes, and make choices wisely. This is a leadership quality that is significantly important in the workplace for you to surely achieve your goals.

Why is it important to be decisive?

  • For you to become efficient. 

When you are decisive you go with your decision regardless of any time constraints to advance and finish the project. 

  • For you to become more mature. 

When you are making firm decisions, you can directly assert that you are mature. This is will give you an advantage in your leadership career.

  • For you to be a more objective person. 

Take time to thoroughly weigh options before concluding a decision. In this way, you can avoid possible negative outcomes. 

6. Practice Self-care

Self-care definition may vary from person to person. However, fundamentally, taking care of yourself is very important physically especially mentally.

 Regardless, physical and mental health are both important. For most of us, these two are almost equal and the same. For instance, when we are taking care of physical health, can create a positive impact mentally.

As the leader and founder of a leading website in technology, gaming, and entertainment news coverage, Shahnawaz Sadique advises, “ prioritize exercise, healthy eating, and sleep to keep me in good physical and mental health.”

Why is self-care important?

  • To reduce anxiety. 

When you focus more on self-care you focus on positive things as well. This will help you a little less anxious f you have a positive view of everything. 

  • To improve happiness. 

Taking care of yourself is one of the nicest gifts you can give to yourself. Self-care will make you healthier, and healthy life means a happy, happier life, rather.

  • To become more resilient. 

Your capacity to withstand and overcome any problems you may face will improve when you focus on self-care. You can be more independent as well. 

Indeed, self-care is one of the fundamental things we need to consider for us to be ready to take care of others, especially in the workplace where most people are not personally related to us. Taking care of yourself is not an easy task itself, how much taking care of others?

7. Be open-minded

Being open-minded is being less judgmental but more thoughtful and considerate. The majority of open-minded people are honest because they consider more perspectives before reaching a judgment. 

 Ian Sterling, Founder of Fish Lab, says that being open-minded includes being open to criticism and feedback. 

Being open-minded can benefit you both mentally and emotionally. Here are the benefits of open-mindedness:

  • Improves the ability to self-reflect.  

You think more carefully. You are more careful with your decisions, thoughts and decisions that can affect your well-being. 

  • Becoming more optimistic.

When you are being positive in everything because you are always open to possibilities. 

  • Being more understanding. 

This goes with an understanding of cultural, values, and beliefs differences. As you come to openly understand these, you become more aware of how to perceive things and respect the differences.


8. Take A Break

Did you take enough breaks from workloads today? Anything that gives us free time is counted as a break– that’s it and we’re already happy!

We need to take a break.  Taking a break improves our productivity and our ability to focus. As simple as it sounds but we struggle to find time to take our break.  It is not because you became lazy that you badly needed a break but it’s about giving yourself time to breathe to generate more energy, drive and focus. 

According to Sumeet Kumar, Founder of MoneyFromSideHustle, “Taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining productivity, whether it’s a short break during long work meetings or bimonthly trips to refresh your energy and enthusiasm.”, he says.

When should you take your break?

There is no calendar needed. And there are no rules about taking a break.  Take your break during the 8-hour work schedule because if you don’t you can focus on your work. It would greatly affect not just the company you are working for as well. 

Avoid procrastination

You are taking your time spending a large amount of time wherein you already consumed the time for doing the task assigned to you. As a result, you work fast to get the tasks done in the remaining time. This is procrastination that you and every one of us should avoid. 

Here are some ways to keep your break time on track:

  • Set an alarm as to when your break ends.
  • Use a planner or calendar to plan your long vacation break. This way, you can prepare for that specific day or week by finishing the task that needs to be done before taking off for vacation.

Long vacation breaks will help us unwind and relax our minds. Maybe you can go swimming, fishing, etc. anything that can disconnect you from work– away from technology and stuff.

If you work hard, please rest hard!

Regardless of position, all jobs are stressful. However, we ought and we wanted to work hard for our benefit as well.  Taking a break and relaxing “me” time is a privilege we should never forget to grant to ourselves. 

There are many jobs in the world but YOU only have one body. Take care of it but take a rest.

Final thoughts!

We can never go wrong if we take care of and manage ourselves first before everything else. After all, everything starts with ourselves. We should seize every opportunity given to us to be better, developed, and improved. 

We must not deprive ourselves of the privileges given to us in our situations, jobs, and position. 

Everyone can lead as long as we learn first how to lead ourselves to be better so that we will be able to lead people the way we want them to develop not for our benefit but for others. 

Before anyone and anything else, check yourself, get something for yourself first. Prioritize yourself first.

“Manage yourself” first for you to be better as a person and for you to be qualified to lead people.


Castnoble Editors published fact-based inspirations and empowering contents for Castnoble.